Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of clients do you work with?

I focus on women who feel stuck and disempowered with their health, body image and relationship to food.  The one thing all my clients have in common is they are ready for a step by step program to end the struggle and experience an entirely new relationship to food and their body.

How are you different from other Health and Life Coaches?

Most health coaches will give you a list of what to eat and what not to eat. For women who struggle with their weight and health, if this approached worked it would have already worked for them.

'“Eating this, not that” approach does not work long term because most often the issue isn't about food, but rather ones struggle to cope with daily stresses and anxiety.  

My coaching prioritizes transforming beliefs and mindsets so that my clients can be present with themselves and their lives in a whole new way.  The program is very focused and detailed to each client’s environment and step by step actions around healthy ways to approach change to eating, movement and lifestyle.

I take a very narrow approach and because I have personal experience overcoming these challenges, what you get with me is a deep level of expertise on what works to change your mindset around your body, food and triggers.  I have been living the practice for 15 years and& have become an expert on this topic and that’s why my clients get great results that they are thrilled with, we also have a lot of fun along the way!

What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?

The Empower Your Health & Life program was created for women who are 100% ready and fully committed to having a new relationship to food and their body.  Ending the shame of clothes not fitting, mindless eating and putting themselves last on the to-do list.

This program was created for you to put systems around food and body in place within 90 days.  Which will lead you to having an experience of peace and even JOY in your body!

No more worrying that you'll never find something that works for you, you will open up to a very different way of thinking and full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goal, ending the war with food and your body.

Who does this program NOT work for?

The Empower Your Health program is not for those who aren't ready to commit financially to their change and transformation, and it is not for those who just want a list of 'eat this, not that'

Another kind of person I chose not to work with is the whiner or the chronic skeptic, as well as individuals who consistently don't show up to sessions or make excuses in order to keep putting themselves and their health last on the list of priorities.

What exactly is your system and what does it include?

The Empower Your Health program is a holistic journey that involves mind, body and soul healing.  We are going to cover all things food and body using the 6W questions.

The 6W Questions are: What,  When, How, Where, Why, Who

These questions constitute a simple formula for getting the complete story on any subject.

When I am working with you as my client, we are focused on looking for your complete story around food and body.

Chances are good that other diets haven't worked in the past because they don't have the steps addressed that involve every part of you - mind, body & soul.

The Empower Your Health program solves that problem.

In addition to these steps, you will learn tons of tips, tricks and strategies to manage your health and life more easily and to make your health and your life work for YOU!

Does this really work?

YES! The results of your work is an approach to food and body that has you feeling peaceful, powerful and on purpose, maybe for the first time in your life.

How quickly can I expect results?

Your transformation begins the moment you say YES and continues every day throughout your 90-experience and beyond.

How can I guarantee myself that I will get results?

If you’ve tried things and failed in the past, chances are good that you didn’t have the right support, the right system or the right accountability.

With the Empower Your Health program you get all of these.

Part of the reason for the investment in this experience is to ensure that you show up for yourself like you never have before.

Will I recover the investment I put into this coaching program?

If you add up everything you’ve spent over the years on diets and exercise and all the ways you’ve tried to gain control of your weight and thoughts around your body, how much would that be?

If things don’t change, how much would you spend in the coming years searching for a solution?

For most of my clients, the answer to both questions is a lot.

Ask yourself “What is a new relationship to food and my body worth to me?”

The information and skills you learn and the personal transformation you make with the Empower Your Health program will be with you forever, transforming your health and your life in so many ways.

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Let’s Empower You.

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